6 Ways To Build a Relationship With Satan

Along my journey into theistic Satanism, I’ve been developing a spiritual relationship with Satan. Ultimately, it’s up to you to begin a relationship with Satan. Here are 6 ways you can get in touch with Satan.

According to my definition of theistic Satanism, I believe in Satan as a deity or force. In fact, many people believe in Satan. Those of us who feel called to Satan often seek to form a connection with Him. So many people ask me how to connect with Satan.

The desire to be close to Satan exists for a reason. Based on my experience, it’s beneficial to develop a relationship with Satan. I love having Satan in my life for so many reasons. These reasons add up and make me glad I pursued an alliance with Satan in the first place.

Here are some ways you can connect with Satan:

  1. Prayer

Based on my experience, prayer has been one of the effective ways to connect with Satan. You can pray to Satan like you can pray to any other god. Your prayers to Satan are just as valid as prayers to other entities.

Prayers come from the heart and soul. Although many prayers are spoken aloud, you can even pray without words. I pray by simply focusing on Satan and sending my intentions towards Him. Satanic prayers have become a daily practice for me that brings me closer to Satan.

If you want to know more about Satanic prayer, I highly recommend reading one book in particular. It’s called Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections by Venus Satanas. (This link goes to my review of the book.) Venus Satanas explains how Satanic prayer works, its significance, and how it can benefit your life.

Honestly, I notice Satan answering my prayers. Be open to receiving messages from Satan. You never know how he’s going to reveal his wisdom to you.

2. Meditation

Meditation helps me connect with my inner-Satan and Satan as a deity.  It even helps me to just sit in a dark room while focusing on Satan and controlling my breathing. When you meditate with Satan, you’re opening yourself up to His knowledge and power.

Meditation also has a lot of benefits that make it an appealing option. For instance, meditation lowers stress levels and anxiety. Think of meditation as spending time with Satan. Meditating on Satan will fill you with His power and allow you to draw His presence into your life.

There are many different kinds of meditation you can do. For instance, I like to meditate while visualizing myself with horns. The horns symbolize my personal power, magick, and protection. I pack the horns with energy so I’ll be energized, spiritually attuned, and empowered all day.

3. Research

In The Satanic Bible and interviews, Anton LaVey says, “Satanism demands study—NOT worship.” This quote resonates with me. I’ve found that research can bring you closer to Satan and strengthen your relationship with Him.

When you study Satan, you can study any of His facets. If you’re interested in demons, read books about demons. If you want to learn more about Satan and His roots, read books about Satan. Book reviews can give you insight into which books have the best knowledge. If you can’t afford books, browse the internet and read articles about different perspectives of Satan and Satanism.

Personally, I study both theistic Satanism and atheist Satanism. I think both types of Satanists are valid and carry unique wisdom. There are many components of atheist Satanism that I agree with and incorporate into my Satanic path. Studying different views in Satanism has helped me refine my opinions and wisdom.

Study whatever you feel drawn to. The wisdom is worth it.

4. Enjoying Pleasure

Enjoying life is one of my favorite ways to build a connection with Satan. I see Satan as the true creator of the universe. Therefore, I thank Him for all pleasures. I embrace ethical hedonism in theistic Satanism. I believe that pleasure is one of the things that make living worthwhile.

Pleasure makes me feel connected to Satan. Whether it’s having consensual sex or getting revenge, there’s all kinds of Satanic pleasure to choose from. Simply enjoying life and exercising free will gets me in touch with my inner-Satan. On sunny days, I connect with Lucifer through the sunlight and thank Him for the light.

When I embrace pleasure, I remember Satan and remain shameless in my joy. I think Satan wants us to enjoy pleasure on Earth while we’re alive. The next time you experience pleasure, take a moment to attune to Satan. He’ll help you appreciate the experience more.

5. Invocation

Invocation is when you invoke an entity or deity of some kind. You can also do this with Satan and demons. When you invoke Satan, you’re calling His spirit into your body. This can bring about different sensations, visions, inspiration, ideas, and more.

There are plenty of Satan invocations on the internet. However, I’d recommend writing one for yourself. That way, you’re more intimately connected with the words you’re saying. I have an invocation of my own that I use. I enjoy invoking Satan’s spirit at the beginning of the day so I can enjoy His energy throughout the day.

When doing invocations, it’s also important to practice grounding. The excess energy can be too much for people to handle.

6. Magick

Practicing Satanic magick and Satanic witchcraft can help you get to know Satan. Many Satanic witches call upon Satan for power, guidance, and energy. I draw Satan’s energy into almost every spell I do. Satan is capable of manifesting anything and everything.

Most Satanic witchcraft involves tapping into the force of Satan and using His power to manifest desires. It also involves cultivating and conjuring your own power. You’ll learn how to wield your personal power as a god/dess alongside His infernal power.

First, you’ll need to learn how to summon Satan into your life. All you need to do is simply ask Him to be there and voila! He’ll be there. Be open to Satan’s presence manifesting in your life.

In my experience, Satan’s energy is grounding, formidable, protective, and prosperous. When you think of Satan, what comes to mind? Your associations will tell you a lot about your thoughts and feelings towards Satan.

Satan can help you achieve your worldly desires and then some. If you’re not familiar with magick, research different spells and see which ones resonate with you. If Satan’s not already in a spell you like, incorporate Him into it. Study different techniques of manifestation. There’s all kinds of magick out there. The only limit is your imagination.

Good luck with your journey to become closer to Satan. Hail Satan!

My Definitions of Satan and Theistic Satanism

Each person’s Satan definition is different. Satan means different things to different people, even in theistic Satanism. Here are my definitions of Satan and theistic Satanism.

Theistic Satanism Definition

My theistic Satanism definition is simple. I think theistic Satanism is the path taken by anyone who reveres Satan as a deity. Some Satanists only respect Satan as a literary figure and symbol of humankind’s potential. However, theistic Satanists like me regard Satan as an actual deity worthy of reverence and communion.

Satan Definition

My personal Satan definition is more pantheistic. I believe Satan is the omnipresent, all-knowing power of the universe. Most of my knowledge about Satan is mostly derived from personal gnosis. For instance, I think Satan is the true creator of the universe. Satan told me this once during meditation. In my opinion, the universe is the artwork of Satan. As such, I believe Satan has both positive and negative aspects, including aspects humankind may never interact with.

My Spiritual Satanism

As someone who practices spiritual Satanism, I strive to have a spiritual relationship with Satan. I maintain this relationship through prayer, magick, dream work, meditation, invocation, and more. Satan has improved my life in more ways than I can count. My connection with Him helps me cope with my everyday life and improve upon my existence. Satan gives me something to be grateful for every single day. I’m always looking for ways to strengthen my attunement with Satan.

Satan inspires me to be the best version of myself. People say “devil worship” like it’s a bad thing, but worshiping the devil has brought good things into my life. I don’t think Satan is purely evil because I think Satan is in everything, including good things. Besides, good and evil are purely subjective. I think having premarital sex, using birth control, and thinking for yourself are all good things, but the Abrahamic god doesn’t.

I also summon demons. I believe that demonic possession can be beneficial for those of us who seek it out. Thanks to demons, I’ve had intense spiritual experiences and witnessed manifestations. I’m always learning how to connect with demons and incorporate them into my magickal practice.


Satan inspires me to worship myself as a goddess first and foremost. I am the goddess of my own reality. I can create, destroy, and transform.

I worship myself as I would worship Satan. Some people feel that “worship” is a bad term to use for revering Satan. However, worship doesn’t necessarily involve groveling or diminishing one’s self before a deity. I admire Satan out of the joy of my own heart.

Satan teaches me how to be a god through wisdom and empowerment. When I connect with Satan, I am connecting with the infernal divine. In turn, this empowers me to be a goddess in my own right. Sure, I call upon the powers of darkness and Satan during my spells and rituals. However, I also call upon my personal power and summon dark energy to manifest my desires.

I believe there is a piece of Satan in everyone. It’s that piece of Satan that gives us pride, independent thought, passion, individuality, and a spark of the black flame. The black flame is the god/dess within you. As your black flame rises, you get closer to self-deification.

Darkness and Light

I associate Satan with darkness. I think Satan represents dark energy, the spiritual matter that all creation comes from. I believe all of creation comes from darkness and that we will return to darkness at the end of our lives.

Light cannot exist without darkness. Darkness existed before light. I believe Lucifer is a light aspect of Satan. Lucifer is the light bearer, the spirit of Venus, and the bringer of enlightenment. Lucifer’s presence is glorious and golden, but it should be known that He also has dark aspects of His own.

Regarding Abrahamic Religions

I wouldn’t say I hate Abrahamic religions – I respect freedom of religion and think that everyone has free will to believe in whatever they choose. However, I don’t agree with the values of Abrahamic religions or their followers. I believe that Yahweh, the Judeo-Christian god, and Allah, the god of Islam, are the same deity. However, I don’t think either of them actually created the world and both are hungry for power. I see Satan as the great liberator from all oppression, including religious dogma.

How do you define Satan and theistic Satanism? Let me know on Twitter (@ChiaSatana).

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